:Title Stop Enemy SCUD Attacks :Description Helicopters: 2 :Para Targets: SCUD missile launchers :Para Weapons: 16 Hellfire :Para Take-off time: 02:50 :Para Flight time: 30 mins :Para Weather: Clear :Para Al 'Adan airfield has been attacked with SCUD missiles. Four launchers have been identified in reconnaissance photographs and are still believed to be in the area. There are a number of SAM and AAA air defense sites nearby so stay low as you hunt and destroy as many of the launchers as possible. :Outstanding The search and destroy mission has been very successful with no more SCUD missile attacks in the area. Congratulations. :Success The mission has succeeded in reducing the number of SCUD missile attacks at the airfield. :Failure SCUD missiles are still hitting the allied positions regularly and causing casualties. High command were expecting much better results than this from their Apache crews. :EOF